Editor’s note: This week we debut a new column for pet lovers from our English correspondent, Julia C. Parsons, who is uniquely equipped for the job. For years, Julia has boarded dogs at her popular Solihull Happy Dog’s and knows a thing (or a zillion) facts about how to keep your dog happy and healthy.

A dog’s nose has millions of smell sensors – with abilities far more comprehensive than we are capable of or understanding. It is a highly tuned sensitive tool which enables dogs to react to the world around them. And it’s so amazing, we humans can use it to sniff out drugs, cancers, epilepsy, and many other things.  So why would we ignore that and put a collar laced with chemicals and smells around their necks which they can’t escape from? Do you like chemical smells? I doubt it. Would you like that chemical smell pervading you day and night?

Do you like the smell of dog poop – well they do.  It gives them a lot of messages we have no clue about.  We have very differing smell appeals. We love our dogs so why would we even consider putting something around their necks close to their skin for weeks on end, covered in toxic poison. Regardless of the smell,  If children touch the collar – they are contaminated and we would be too. It kills pests. Enough said.  If you’re worried about fleas and ticks use a recognised brand of pipette on the back of the neck relevant to your dog’s weight and size. Their liver can handle it better and it does the job.

Put a flea collar on – and you risk epilepsy as the result when your dog’s senses go into overload…the vets will make money – and you’ll be unwittingly doing something cruel and unkind to your pet.  DON’T DO IT!

There will be a Dog Blog about homes where dog owners regularly light scented candles – as air fresheners, to perfume the air, to create a calm and relaxing ambiance. And living in your home is your beloved and adored, four-legged baby…being overwhelmed by essential oils that are used to fragrance the candles – which have a minimum effect of making the dog feel uncomfortable and ill, and the maximum effect of killing it.  Our oils and fragrances and chemicals can be toxic to wildlife.

Dogs are a completely different species. Honour that. Respect it. And I implore you on behalf of all dogs, think again.

About The Author

Julia C Parsons, mother of two living in the UK, has come late to life as a dog person although she owned her own 3 dogs for 16 years. Having begun a new career as a successful home dog boarder 5 years ago to help cover the costs of her empty nest home, she realised how much misinformation there was generally about understanding dog behaviour, their food and nutritional needs as well as the many conflict of interests of the veterinary profession, that may be shortening and not enhancing a dog’s life. Feeling a strong, instinctive empathy with our four-legged friends, she wants to do what she can to be their voice and dispel the many myths surrounding our special companions. @theuksdogblogger

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