According to FBI papers. Trump promised his valet Walt Nauta a pardon if he got re-elected.‘
“NAUTA was told by [Mr Trump’s] people that his investigation was not going anywhere, that it was politically motivated and ‘much ado about nothing,’” the FBI interview summary states. “NAUTA was also told that even if he gets charged with lying to the FBI, FPOTUS will pardon him in 2024.”
As you’ll remember, Nauta was charged with lying to the FBI and obstructing justice over the moving of classified documents that Trump had hidden at his Mar-a-Lago residence.
Nauta had continued to maintain that he didn’t know the boxes he moved at Mar-a-Lago one day before the August 2022 FBI raid at the former president’s Florida club. Trump has also been charged with obstruction and mishandling classified national defense information.