Despite Putin’s stance that Russia’s economy is just fine, thank you, a new study from YALE finds that the Russian economy is suffering massive damage from Western sanctions.


In fact, Russia is facing ‘economic oblivion’ in its financial war with the West, the report claims.

For one thing, the study said Russian imports have ‘largely collapsed’ since the war began, and that the country is ‘facing stark challenges securing crucial inputs, parts, and technology.’


“Russian domestic production has come to a complete standstill with no capacity to replace lost businesses, products and talent,” the team found.

“The hollowing out of Russia’s domestic innovation and production base has led to soaring prices and consumer angst,” the authors added.

With the exodus of some 1,000 global companies, Russia has lost companies that represent some 40% of gross domestic product, according to the study.




Add to this the exodus of Western businesses — which accounted for some 40 percent of Russian GDP — has reversed nearly three decades of foreign investment, which, coupled with a mass exodus of young and educated Russians has massively deteriorated the Russian economic base.