We don’t need to reiterate the scary stats of plastic polluting our world, do we? We try to do our bit; we switched to laundry detergent sheets (those gigantic plastic bottles never break down), we’re composting (kinda) but we never thought about all our (considerable ) beauty products such as shampoo, conditioner, moisturizer…

Now we’re skipping the plastic containers for  sk*p (stands for ‘Simply Be Kind to the Planet’)  a simple, clean hair and body care brand packaged in sustainable paper-based Beauty Cartons.




At first, we were worried that the fully-recyclable shampoo and conditioner would fall apart in the shower but they’ve been in there for a week and are still sturdy.

But it’s not enough for a brand to be good for the planet …it has to perform or how could we give up our favorite brands, right?

So we’re were pleasantly surprised to discover the proprietary hero ingredient called g-honeybiome, a fermented honey that nourishes and balances skin and scalp’s own microbiome. And these arent’ just any bees, but spoiled buzzers located on CEO’s Mark Veeder’s echinacea farms in upstate NY, so their hives are healthier which results in honey that boasts incredible microbiome-balancing properties. (I wish the company also sold this honey…in. cartoon of course.)

That’s why the honey-infused moisturizer is so rich and hydrating, the shampoo so rich and luxurious, and the ‘Fresh Squeezed’ natural deodorant so …..well, you get the drift.

TBH, we switched out some products for this clean fully recyclable brand but we couldn’t give up our favorite shampoo, Colorful from Joico. Joico, if you’re listening, maybe you could launch recyclable packaging?

So Sk*p to it, folks!

Products include: