

The heating and cooling system in your house uses HVAC filters. They are essential to keep the building’s temperature and air quality stable. They work by removing dust, allergens, pet hair, and other tiny airborne particles, keeping you from breathing them in. In short, the filters in your heating, ventilation, air conditioning system, and furnace filters may capture airborne pollutants, keeping them from spreading throughout your home. The real question here is when you should change them out.



The Importance of Your HVAC Filters

The foundation of your whole air conditioning and heating system is your HVAC filters. They are your final defense against dangerous particles, including dirt, allergens, and dust. These filters enhance the indoor air quality in your home or workplace by capturing dust, grime, allergens, and other airborne particles.

The air quality will enhance as you replace them more frequently. By lowering airborne allergens and pollutants, upgrading your air filters makes your environment healthier overall and more energy efficient. Lastly, it ensures your AC or HVAC system always provides the best possible service.


Why Should Your HVAC Filters Be Changed?

Regular air filter replacement is one of the most important things you could do to take excellent care of your HVAC system. This keeps everything operating efficiently and lowers your energy usage.

However, many homeowners neglect this obligation over a long period, increasing energy costs and maintenance needs.

Additionally, all the air that is moved through your HVAC system to warm or cool your home eventually ends up in the air filter. This is why regularly changing and cleaning your air filters is so incredibly Vital. Air filters that are dirty or clogged could:

1. Bring up issues with the HVAC system and cause damage.

2. Make the fans work harder, reducing their life spans and decreasing the airflow inside the HVAC system.

3. Re-introduces contaminants and particles into the air that flows in the home by failing to eradicate them as effectively as they should.

4. Lead to the contamination of your home’s ductwork.


When Should the HVAC Filters Be Changed?

Changing HVAC filters on a routine basis is among the most crucial components of house maintenance, as you may have already deduced from the information above. This may improve air quality, reduce energy costs, and even longer HVAC system life. When utilizing less costly fiberglass filters, you are generally advised to replace your home’s air filter every 30 days. However, the Merv series of premium pleated filters from can last up to six months. These standard guidelines assume ordinary use and don’t account for the size and kind of filter.

Air and furnace filters should generally be changed in your house every three months. More dirt, dust, and allergens are caught in the filter the longer it is in place, reducing its effectiveness and clogging it. You should change the filter greater frequently than might be advised.


Therefore, it is advised to change your filters often to get the maximum performance out of your HVAC system. To ensure that your HVAC filters have a longer lifespan and provide a healthy service over time, choose high-quality filters from reputable companies like Custom Filters Direct and replace them as directed by their manual.