“Trump Employee Number 5” or as we know now, Brian Butler, a former Mar-a-Lago worker is testifying that he moved classified documents on Trump’s orders. Tellingly, Butler says he helped move boxes to the airport …at the same time Trump was meeting federal investigators at his property in June 2022.
Butler is now testifying in the trial of Trump’s mishandling of classified documents.
Butler says he didn’t have a clue what the boxes held, just that they were ‘white banker boxes.’
Though he worked for Trump for over twenty years Butler emphasized that he doesn’t think Trump should run for President again.
“I personally would just say I just don’t believe that he should be a presidential candidate at this time. I think it’s time to move on,” he said.
Why speak out now?
“I think the American people have the right to know the facts, that this is not a witch hunt,” Butler said.
“I mean, this is so much bigger than me. It’s bigger than Carlos. You know, this is a nation that needs to decide who’s gonna be the next president.”