We love a natural-looking tan but lying in the sun without SFP is a big no-no (we’ve already had Melanoma once) so we’re always on the lookout for a good self-tanner.
So when we discovered the brand Saltyface which bills itself as ‘tanning water’ we were intrigued.
The Goop-approved brand was easy to use and gave us the sun-kissed glow that we wanted — and not one of our GFs clocked it as a ‘fake’ tan!
Its lightweight, water-like formula comes with brushes so you don’t stain your hands (though I think we all know to wash our hands after application) and blends easily into the skin for a flawless finish.
We love the Body Tanning Foam which makes the application sooooo fool-proof. ($62.)

To achieve the perfect shade on your body you want, just leave the tanning foam on until you get the perfect color, then shower it off.
We usually don’t use a self-tanner on our face but we tried SaltyFace’s Face Tanning Water and were thrilled with the gradual, just hint of a summer glow. ($44.) It’s the only brand we’ll trust on our face now.
Get your glow on!