“Are we having a talk show or a serious conversation?” Putin asked Tucker Carlson at the start of their interview on Thursday.
By the end of the interview, we know it was ‘neither.’
Blowhard Tucker Carlson traveled to Russia to interview the dictator and was surprised when Putin hijacked the time.
What did Tucker think was going to happen?
Remember, Russia invaded Ukraine without provocation in February; killed more than 70,000 members of the Ukrainian military, and, according to the UN, left 10,000 Ukrainian civilians dead.
But the way Putin tells it, the war was a so-called “special military operation” was necessary to sort out corruption to conduct a “denazification” in Ukraine. And according to the Russian president, he would have stopped the war by now were it not for “Western countries” meddling in the peace process.
Keep your fact-checker tuned as you watch Putin spin the war.