Thursday, August 16 350 papers wrote coordinated op-eds defending the press as the present President continues to attack, calling the media the ‘enemy of the people.’

‘Journalists are not the enemy of the people; we’re advocating for the people,’ wrote the New York Post.

‘Journalists are not the enemy,’ wrote the Boston Globe.

‘A war on the press is a war on democracy.’ Philadelphia Inquirer.


Predictably, Trump went on a twitter attack, calling it all (once again) “FAKE NEWS’ singling out the Boston Globe who bravely organized papers around the country to editorialize in favor of a free press.

‘THE FAKE NEWS MEDIA IS THE OPPOSITION PARTY. It is very bad for our Great Country….BUT WE ARE WINNING!’ Trump tweeted.

As the Philly Inquirer so eloquently put it:

“It is a war not just on the American people, but on people throughout the world.’