Played by comedian Kate McKinnon, the ‘Weird’ Barbie is a hit in the movie (and plays a central role in the plot. That’s all we’re going to say.) It’s made clear though that her splayed legs, crooked haircut, and drawn-on face are from a child playing a little ‘rough with her.
And so Mattel has decided to market it (I know, huge surprise!)
“Time to get weird 🖍️ Inspired by her look in @BarbieTheMovie, Weird #Barbie knows what it’s like to play just a liiiiittle too much,” the company wrote in a caption to the post, which featured four images of the toy matching McKinnon’s oddball splits and poses displayed throughout Greta Gerwig’s new movie.
Naturally, the toy brand has been selling a number of Barbie dolls inspired by the hit movie but so far no Allan dolls, which were discontinued by Mattel shortly after their 1964 rollout
Poor Allan.