To encourage the nation to get their COVID vaccine, all the living former presidents — with the notable exception of Trump — taped a PSA which will plaster social media and TV stations.

All the former first ladies – except for you-know-who — are also pictured getting their shot.



Bush, Clinton and Obama urge people to get the shot and also talk about what they are looking forward to once life returns to ‘normal.’

A 96-years young Carter said he got vaccinated to help end the pandemic ‘as soon as possible.’

“This is our shot,” Clinton says after images of him and his wife being vaccinated are shown.

“Now it’s up to you,” Carter adds as an image of him smiling and holding up his vaccination record card is shown.

Clinton, 74, says he wants to ‘go back to work’ and ‘to be able to move around.’ Obama, 59,  said he wants to see ‘Michelle’s mom’ and ‘to hug her, and see her on her birthday.’ And Bush, 74,  said he’s looking forward to going to Opening Day in a fully packed Texas Rangers stadium.