Watergate reporter Carl Bernstein blasted Trump as a ‘homicidal president’ who is hosting ‘homicidal assemblies’ with his indoor campaign rallies in the middle of a pandemic.



‘You’re witnessing a homicidal president convening, purposefully, a homicidal assembly to help him get reelected instead of protecting the health and welfare of the United States, including supporters whose lives he is willing to sacrifice,’ Bernstein told CNN.

He’s referring to Trump’s indoor rally in Henderson, Nevada, on Sunday where packed supporters (‘sacrificial lambs’) jammed a hall, most without masks.


Bernstein, also called Trump out for  ‘the most grievous felony’ in history, again referring to Trump holding an indoor campaign rally in Henderson, Nevada.

Meanwhile, Democratic Governors are pressing Trump not to hold huge rallies in their States, reminding him that he is putting lives at risk.


Carl Bernstein.