HearHere, a new travel app that offers listeners stories and history based on their location, answers every question except ‘Are we there yet?’

For instance, it will tell you who that mountain peak was named after or how the California Gold Town came into existence, in 2-3 minute bites, painting a vivid picture, unlike a dusty map or textbook.

Kevin Costner is a co-founder along with storytelling entrepreneur and tech guy Woody Sears, and Bill Werlin, former President of the North Face. Featuring narration by Costner and other top talents such as Phil Jackson, it makes for good listening.

At launch, the story network includes more than 1500 stories, fully covering California, Oregon, Washington and Montana, along with a number of stories throughout the country. In the coming months, that network will expand to blanket the rest of the United States with 10,000 stories.


Listeners can stream five stories for free. Following the free trial, HearHere’s annual $49.99 subscription is being offered for the promotional price of $24.99 until August, 31, 2020. The subscription includes offline listening for future or home listening.