Barbra Streisand, who is promoting her new memoir “My Name Is Barbra” on the media circuit, showed up on “The Late Show” with Stephen Colbert and bluntly told the late-night host that she would have to leave the US if Trump won the presidency.


“I can’t live in this country if he becomes president,” the outspoken Democrat, who campaigned for Hillary Clinton in the 2016 election, told “The Late Show” host Stephen Colbert in a lengthy interview that aired on Monday.

In the past, the singer/actor/director has called the four-times-indicted former president and Republican 2024 front-runner  ‘the liar in Chief,’ the ‘Groper in Chief’ and “so stupid” and “so ill-informed” and said his 2016 win was “heartbreaking.”

But you’d be right if you remember Streisand has said this before, right before Trump won in 2016 — “I’m either coming to your country, if you’ll let me in, or Canada,” she declared at the time.

Hailing President Joe Biden for his compassion and ‘good works’ she described the current political climate in the U.S. as “bad” and lamented the mid-east conflict.