Audrey Wendt is an emergency nurse in  Grand Rapids, Michigan, and describes the toll it takes on nurses and doctors to help patients fighting for their lives. The unvaccinated ones almost never make it.
 “There’s a period of time when patients often get really restless. It’s horrible to see,” she says. “The body knows something is very wrong. It’s trying to compensate, but it just can’t.”
Wendt watched an unvaccinated man in his 30s — the father of three young children — enter this restless state. “I looked over at his wife. The lights were very dim and all I could hear was him breathing with the help of a BiPap ventilator. His wife asked me, ‘What do I do?’ I replied, ‘If it were me, I would call your children and have them tell their dad that they love him … I think now would be a good time.'”
Wendt knew by his demeanor that this man was going to be intubated soon. “And you never know if you’re going to get off that ventilator,” Wendt says through tears.

Nurse Wendt.

“My beloved community, I want YOU to know…
“On our backs we will carry you. No matter your beliefs, your choices, your lifestyle, your past. Our legs grow tired, and we beg for your help, but we will continue to carry you until this race is over, my friends.
Believe in us. Help us. Get Vaccinated.”