Most pricey skincare these days contain HA (the all-important Hyaluronic Acids that plump up the skin.) But many brands use only a small percentage.
Not so with the Hydrinity Accelerated Skincare line. Our skin started looking better in just a couple of days and that’s down to the supercharged HA’s. Within two weeks, the other ingredients, especially the active peptides which stimulate the skin to make collagen, gave us glowing skin with diminished wrinkles.
PR sent us the ‘Age Renewal Kit’ ($180) with just two products; ‘Hyacyn Active Purifying Mist’: A lightweight, microbiome-friendly mist that provides anti-inflammatory and anti-microbial properties, and the ‘hero’ product, the anti-aging Renewing HA Serum. Your wash your face with a gentle cleanser, then spray on the microbiome-friendly treatment mist and then while your dermis is still moist, apply the HA and peptide serum.
There’s also the popular ‘Hydrinity Restorative Kit’ for younger skin. ($160.)
For us, umm, ‘older’ types, the Age Renewal is the way to go. Over time, our skin keeps looking better and better.