‘Happy Dance’ co-founder Kristen Bell is a Mom and an actor so she knows how busy all moms are and since she stopped smoking marijuana when she had little humans, she wanted something to ‘tone down’ life a little.

After trying CBD tinctures and oils, she decided to work on her own brand, Happy Dance.

(And if you were wondering if Happy Dance will get you high, it won’t. And if you’re still wondering, it still won’t.)




“Even prior to the pandemic, I took issue with the current definition of self care — that it was an event and those two hours for your monthly manicure are all that you got to yourself,” she says. “That just doesn’t work for me. I need something that is manageable and daily and sometimes hourly.”

We tried the ‘Happy Dance Look Alive’ face moisturizer with 150 mg of CBD, a rich hydrating cream powered by Avocado Oil and  Hyaluronic  Acid and Full Spectrum  CBD which helps calm skin. In a week our skin felt soft and definitely hydrated. We like the way Kristen put it:

“It puts back the hydrating essentials for healthy skin that you may have misplaced along the way… under piles of laundry, 4 hours of sleep, or your 8th cup of coffee. “


$29 at Happy Dance.