We didn’t believe this at first but it’s true: At a campaign rally in Arizona Wednesday night Trump falsely claimed that people in Californian are forced to wear a “special mask” that cannot be removed “under any circumstances.”

“In California, you have a special mask. You cannot under any circumstances take it off. You have to eat through the mask,” Trump said. “It’s a very complex mechanism, and they don’t realize those germs, they go through it like nothing. They look at you with that contraption and they say that’s an easy one, I’m going right through with the food.”

His crowd roared their approval.

“Now, how about California, though, where you’re supposed to eat with the mask, can’t take it off,” he continued. “You see people and boy, you know, when you have spaghetti and meat sauce, that mask is not looking — you walk out, it looks like you got into a fight with [UFC President] Dana White.”

As a Californian, we know he likes to attack our State because we’ve never supported him, but this is ridiculous.


About The Author


Evan Hosie has worked as a Women's Lifestyle editor/writer (expert in the beauty and fashion vertical); created the Pop Culture section for Radaronline.com; never met a gadget she didn't want, and spends waaaaay too much time on Social Media.

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