Remember when the Surgeon General Tweeted “Seriously people-STOP BUYING MASKS!?’ The thinking was that only people with COVID-19 symptoms and medical personnel needed them.

But more and more experts are now recommending wearing masks (once the shortage is over.)

The thinking is that not only are you more protected but so is the other person. As we’ve seen in Asia, most people wear masks in public and in the Czech Republic wearing some kind of mask is required when you venture outside.

“It’s really a perfectly good public health intervention that’s not used,” argues KK Cheng, a public health expert at the University of Birmingham. “It’s not to protect yourself. It’s to protect people against the droplets coming out of your respiratory tract.”

“I don’t want to frighten you, but when people speak and breathe and sing—you don’t have to sneeze or cough—these droplets are coming out,” he added.

Add to this research the new findings that most virus sufferers are infected before they show symptoms.

Cautionary note: ALL experts agree that it’s critical that the front-line personnel get the N95 masks first.

Robert F. Kennedy shared this video with his followers. Worth a watch.

WATCH + SHARE this important video. This is the sort of low tech solution that Big Pharma doesn’t want you to know about.Protect your community from the virus