Liberal Justice Sonia Sotomayor announced today that the Supreme Court had implemented a new rule for oral arguments… because the men were interrupting and talking over the women too much. Imagine that.


Classic example.


Before it was a free-for-all but after being constantly interrupted and talked over, Justice Sonia Sotomayor put her exasperated foot down and implemented the new rule. Now, the Supremes speak one at a time, within an allotted time.

Sotomayor quoted a study which found that during arguments for the 2015 term, females were interrupted during oral arguments 141 times while males, only 73.  Females interrupted others during oral arguments 37 times, while males interrupted others 177 times.




‘Most of the time women say things and they are not heard in the same way as men who might say the identical thing,’ Sotomayor said during a talk with the New York University school of law on diversity and inclusion. 


Every woman can sympathize.