Michael Kosta from ‘The Daily Show’ mocked JFK Jr.’s confirmation hearing yesterday, as the Senator backed off his previous, much-publicized anti-vaccine stance.


“What are you going to believe, his well-documented decades-long record, or the thing he said today when he was trying to get a job?” Kosta asked. “Besides, all of his kids are vaccinated. He definitely doesn’t regret that, right? Right? Right?”


Kosta rolled footage of Kennedy in 2020, saying that if he could return in time, he would stop his children from getting vaccinated.

“I would do anything for that,” Kennedy said. “I would pay anything to be able to do that.”

Kosta was flabbergasted.

“That is the worst answer to what you would do with a time machine that I have ever heard,” Kosta said, adding in disbelief: “You can’t think of anyone else in your family that you would go back in time and try to prevent a shot from happening, Robert F. Kennedy Jr.? No one else?”

And this is who we want to run Health and Human Services?