Over 150 million people in the US are facing a ‘potentially deadly’ heatwave, with meteorologists warning that temperatures could hit as high as 110F between Friday and Sunday. The ‘heat dome’ is expected to take over more than half of the country.

In fact, more than 100 local heat records are expected to be broken on Saturday, reports NBC News.

From the Emergency Management office in N.Y. :

“Hot weather is dangerous and can kill. People with chronic physical and mental health conditions should use air conditioning if they have it, and get to a cool, air conditioned place if they don’t,” Health Commissioner Dr. Oxiris Barbot said in a statement

“During times like these, we all need to look out for each other. Be a buddy and check on your family, friends and neighbors who are at risk and help them get to a cooling center or another cool place – even if for a few hours,” she added.

The first thing to go in a heatwave is usually the power as the grid is overloaded so you’ll need an emergency kit (for Californians, you may have all of these in your earthquake kit.)

The emergency disaster kit should include:

– One gallon of water per person per day.

– Non-perishable and easy-to-prepare food items.

– A flashlight, with extra batteries.

– A battery-powered or hand-crank radio.

– A first aid kit.

– Personal documents such as passports, birth certificates, insurance papers, etc.

– Medications.

– Cell phone and chargers.

– Cash.