Congress has issued subpoenas for the Trump Organization and the Trump Family Trust to Deutsche Bank but the family is now suing to prevent that happening.

Trump’s lawsuit maintains that the subpoenas issued by Congress ‘have no legitimate or lawful purpose’ and were intended ‘to rummage through every aspect of [Trump’s] personal finances, his businesses, and the private information of the President and his family, and to ferret about for any material that might be used to cause him political damage.’

Meanwhile, Adam Schiff, the House Intelligence Committee Chairman explained that the subpoenas are part of an investigation ‘into allegations of potential foreign influence on the U.S. political process’.

And House Financial Services Committee Chairwoman Maxine Waters has said that ‘the potential use of the U.S. financial system for illicit purposes is a very serious concern’.

Once again, the American public is left wondering why their President won’t release his tax records nor his bank transactions.