Release dates and production schedules can be tardy or postponed. However, that does not mean that online movie streaming services have been affected. There is no opportune moment like now to catch up on your favorite series or movie list. But, it can be very challenging to decide the film or series to watch on the various streaming platforms as there are a plethora of excellent options. Additionally, you may have some pending assignments that you should complete and deliver within a particular period. So, what can you do about it? Well, as for your writing projects, you can visit the website of and ask for professional writing help.

For your movie or film selection, below are some releases of the best movies streaming now that you can watch on the different streaming platforms such as Amazon Prime, Netflix,

Hulu, and HBO, among others. If you are searching for Academy Award winners or perverse arthouse films of the highest caliber, below are some of the best choices for you.

The Old Guard (2020)

The Old Guard is a new streaming movie on Netflix. This film follows a group of mercenaries, all centuries-old immortals that can heal themselves. In confidentiality, they have safeguarded the world from danger for their whole existence. However, when they realize another immortal has woken up and recognized them, they will have to battle not only for their freedom but also their lives. This action thriller film is a must-watch if you have a passion and interest in superhero movies.

Uncut Gems (2019)

The majority of individuals consider Uncut Gems as one of the best new movies to watch in 2020. Despite viewing it as a significant Oscar snub, they presume that the cast is crazy. The Uncut Gems is a film about an enigmatic jeweler who makes a winner-take-all bet that could result in the payout of a lifespan. In a perilous high-wire act, he must balance business, adversaries, and family in quest of the eventual victory.



The Safdie brothers’ nerve-wracking, pulse-hammering story about a gambling-hooked jeweler, Adam Sandler, in New York City is indeed a love-it or hate-it movie. Adam Sandler acquiesces one of his best enactments as Howard Ratner, the jeweler, who cannot seem to get his way despite his appeal and shrewdness. Boston Celtic Kevin Garnett takes notice in one of Ratner’s highest ticket items, presuming it to be a good luck charm. So, Howard plans to kill him. But, he cannot resist the urge to gamble on Garnett and the Celtics to make the bonanza that much superior. Hence, he puts off mounting debts as well as the onuses to do so.

This movie is a must-watch. Your academic writing assignments should not be the reason you do not get to enjoy this incredible movie. So, if you have a tone of writing tasks to work on, visit and ask for assistance.

Da 5 Bloods (2020)

Da 5 Bloods is one of the best streaming movies to come at a more political and crucial time. This exclusive film narrates the story of four African American Vietnam War troupers, who, after the war, go back to the country to look for the relics of their fallen troop leader as well as the affluence that he abetted them to hide.

This new movie is a heavy grief-stricken look at Vietnam and the war Black Americas have never been able to stop battling in both sociopolitical and psychosomatic terms. It is already gathering momentous Oscars buzz, albeit the ceremony not being any time now.

The Assistant (2019)

You can catch The Assistant on one of the best movie streaming platforms, Hulu. This film is about a recent college graduate as well as an ambitious film producer, Julia Garner, who secures her dream job as a subordinate assistant to a potent entertainment entrepreneur, hence presuming that she is on the right track. As she goes about her prosaic or ordinary day-to-day routine of taking messages, making coffee, and ordering lunch, she becomes more aware of the treacherous pattern of abuse that intimidates her position in a consistent manner. Working as a Hollywood subordinate is not rewarding enough, and the consistent humiliation goes too far.



Palm Springs (2020)

Palm Springs is one of the new streaming movies on Hulu. This movie is about two wedding guests relive a particular day over and over while developing a budding romance.

Carefree Nyles and Sarah, an averse free maid of honor, have a chance experience at a wedding in Palm Springs, which becomes intense when they discover that they are caught in a time-loop together. They are unable to escape each other, and the dang event, let alone the venue. While reliving the same day together, they experience some unattractive certainties about themselves while forging a way forward in a simultaneous manner.

A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood (2019)

A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood is about a cynical journalist, Lloyd Vogel, who gets conversant with Fred Rogers, a kind-hearted television while writing an article on him. But, he approaches the interview with incredulity. Meeting, interviewing, and connecting with Mr. Rogers chips away at Vogel’s cynical view on life. In the end, Vogel finds a way to reunite with

his excruciating past, thanks to Mr. Rogers’ responsiveness and benevolence. You can stream movies such as this and other relatable recommendations on Hulu.




Shirley (2020)

Shirley is about Stanley, Michael Stuhlbarg, and his (Stanley) wife Shirley, Elizabeth Moss, who move to a small Vermont college town. Here, Stanley becomes a professor, and he takes in a young couple, Fred and Rose (Logan Lerman and Odessa Young), under the condition that they look after his wife. Jackson finds her ingenious process disrupted by her husband’s womanizing and new environs. But, she finds inspiration in the new couple.

To enjoy such a fascinating movie, you need to ascertain that you do not have any pending assignments. This is because they will disrupt you while watching the film. So, you need to work on all your tasks as soon as possible. But, if they are too complex for you, do not sit and lament, ‘Who can write my dissertation for me?’ Visit the website of a reliable paper service and place an order.

In conclusion, there is a vast array of films and series that you can watch on various streaming platforms such as Netflix and Amazon Prime. However, the kind of movies you would like to watch depends on your genre and taste. But that should not trouble you. Once you clear all your academic writing assignments, you can enjoy watching various movies. And, the above are some of the best movies to stream.