The third installment in the popular Knives Out films will star Andrew Scott and Josh O’Connor. Regular Daniel Craig will return in the new Rian Johnson’s Knives Out film, ‘Wake Up Dead Man.’


Writer-director Rian Johnson revealed the title in an X post while adding in other tweets, ‘We’re about to go into production on the 3rd one, and I’m very, very excited to share the title, which gives a little hint of where it’s going.’

‘I love everything about whodunnits, but one of the things I love most is how malleable the genre is. There’s a whole tonal spectrum from Carr to Christie, and getting to explore that range is one of the most exciting things about making Benoit Blanc movies,’ he added in another tweet.


Returning stars include Chris Evans, Jamie Lee Curtis, Ana de Armas, Michael Shannon, Don Johnson, Toni Collette and Lakeith Stanfield.