This morning, V.P. Mike Pence announced the United States and Turkey have reached a deal to ‘suspend operations’ –which have resulted in the deaths of innocent Kurds in northern Syria — for five days. Trump then proudly called the five-day ceasefire an ‘incredible outcome’ claiming ‘great leader’ Erdogan and the ‘Kurds are happy’ only to have Turkey amend his comments, saying it was just a temporary halt in the battle to allow Kurds to withdraw to a ‘safe zone.’
‘Our administration has already been in contact with Syria defense forces and we’ve already begun to facilitate their safe withdrawal from the nearly 20-mile-wide safe zone area south of the Turkish border in Syria,’ Pence said.
Though Trump is responsible for the chaos, he now is taking credit for a temporary cease-fire.
Remember, both parties have condemned the President for withdrawing U.S. troops from Syria and abandoning the Kurds who fought alongside the American forces.