Jennifer Garner dressed her cat up as Dolly Parton, complete with a wig and guitar.


In another photo, her feline looked miserable, but Garner captioned it,  ‘I promise he loves me.’

Don’t be so sure.

Stars have posted photos of their kitties in all sorts of costumes, encouraging countless others to do the same.

Nicky Trevorrow, a cat behaviour expert at Cats Protection, said: ‘We are worried that celebrities who dress up their cats make it look fun and glamorous and normalize it so that others will do the same.


Kate Beckinsale with her cat dressed up in a fluffy pink sweater.


Ms Trevorrow said even cats who don’t seem to mind clothing have actually just ‘shut down’ because they are so stressed.

‘We actually worry more about the cats that don’t protest and try to escape being put into clothes,’ she said.

‘People think this is because they are happy and relaxed, but in fact the cats will be so distressed that the only way they can cope is to shut down and disassociate from the situation.’

Signs to look for: flattened ears, licking their lips, flopping over or hunching over shows your pet is stressed.

When a cat is in clothing, it restricts their movement, they’re unable to regulate their body temperature, and since most felines don’t like to be handled, it can be very uncomfortable for them.

If you’re dying to get a cute image of your kitty cat dressed as a pirate, just use editing software.