Trump’s ex-fixer, ex-personal lawyer and now ex-con, Michael Cohen, just released a look at his upcoming book ‘Disloyal’ claiming he personally witnessed ‘golden showers, tax fraud, a secret back channel to Putin, and lying to Melania,’ and calling president ‘a racist, a predator and a con man who wants to be ‘leader for life.’

And that’s just for starters.

In the forward which he titled ‘THE REAL REAL DONALD TRUMP,’ he writes that  ‘Apart from his wife and children, I knew Trump better than anyone else did,’ Cohen wrote, claiming he was the one who pushed him to run for president.

The most salacious parts of the book deal with Trump’s affairs (remember, Cohen was tasked with paying off  Stormy Daniels) but the most damaging content is about Trump’s collusion with Russia.



As Cohen writes: ‘I know where the skeletons are buried because I was the one who buried them.’

‘Disloyal’ is expected end of September. We’re sure Trump has pre-ordered his copy.