By now you may have heard of antiperspirants being linked to breast cancer, Alzheimer’s, and kidney disease, and while no conclusive research has established a connection between these products we use every day and any health issues, why take the risk when there are natural deodorants that work just as well, if not better? Primally Pure sent us several of their 100% natural deodorant products and we immediately put it to the toughest test possible – a 106 degree day, attending a standing-room-only funeral (which means a black dress, and we are happy to report there were NO marks on our clothes, but that’s not even the most exciting part). Despite definitely sweating, which is healthy and important, we put off zero offensive smells and felt both confident and comfortable. We even put it through the husband sniff test after being gone for 12 hours, and he said we were fresh!
($24 for a mini collection of 4. lemongrass, lavender, tea tree and unscented)