As a fan of a rose-scented parfume, I’m constantly disappointed by most rose based scents. Either too sickly sweet or cloying, or they smell like a Glade plug-in, the last rose perfume we liked was ‘Joy,’ which we discovered on our first trip to Paris when we were 17.

We’d pretty much given up on ever wearing rose again, until Gaye Straza at Kai, worked her magic and created Kai Rose, which smells nothing like your grandmother. With a clean, young, citrus base, it’s like you’re wearing a small rose corsage. Intoxicating subtle rose top notes seduce the senses.Andn unlike Joy perfume, it won’t break the bank. ($48 for the roll-on vial.) Available only at Barney’s right now, you can buy it from the site starting in May.


Given that her original scent, Kai, is so popular, we asked Gaye Straza why she created another fragrance.


  It had been so long but after many “what’s next” questions I decided it was time.  Many years and much research later I found what I what I was looking for right under my nose.  My husband brings me roses every week and when I had put them on the piano next to the original kai diffuser I knew I had it.  Just like that, no research needed just like the original.


How long did it take you to develop the new scent?


I can’t really count.  I’d have one idea then the next week trying to put a sample together that was in a completely in another direction.


Can you give us an idea of any of the ingredients?


Kai *rose is blend of our original kai with a beautiful rose absolute.  That being said this is not your typical rose as the crispness of our original.  A little green added to the petals of a rose.


How do you recommend wearing it?


Right now I’m using the kai *rose in the morning after my shower so I’m fairly covered in kai from shampoo/conditioner followed by the lotion and the blending of just that already changes the rose up.  I layer it in the evening with a bit of the kai original for an added boost.


Will the kai rose be available in all products or just the roll-on?


Early summer we will be launching kai *rose body lotion followed by our famous body wash.  From there it’s a bit up in the air.  There will definitely be a third scent in the same vein of adding single note.

Rose fans rejoice!

Kai Fragrance.